Spring Classes, Summer Classes, and Julia Robinson Festival

February 22, 2015

Recently, in an art gallery in Ballard, I saw the amazing painting above. (Check out the artist’s website here.) I love this kind of mathematical art–the tessellation in the background a kind of blanket that subsumes the floor and clothes of the people in the picture. It’s a meeting of mathematical structure and organic complexity.

We’re going to be exploring all kinds of beautiful geometric structure this spring and summer! Registration is open for Math for Love‘s upcoming:

These can fill up fast, so sign up now if you would like your student to join us!

Read on to learn more (or skip to the bottom for the Problem of the Moment).

Spring Sunday Class Registration is Open

Math for Love classes are a chance to learn beautiful, powerful mathematical ideas from mathematicians wholove to teach.

Sign up your K-8th grader now for a spot in our classes at the Phinney Neighborhood Association, starting Sunday, April 19.

Our theme this spring is Making and Breaking Conjectures.
Find out more here.

Fourth Annual Julia Robinson Festival!

The mission of the Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival is to inspire students to explore the richness and beauty ofmathematics through activities that encourage collaborative, creative problem-solving.

Join us Saturday, April 4th for this noncompetitive celebration of great ideas and problems in mathematics. Held at the HUB on UW’s campus, and open to all students grades 4 – 10.
To learn more and sign up, click here.
To volunteer, click here.

Price: $10 – 15. Free and reduced registration is available.
Use the discount code “scholarship” to get an additional 50% discount.

Made possible with financial support from the UW Math Department and the Puget Sound Council of Math Teachers.

Math for Love Summer Math Camp!

We are expanding our popular Summer Math Camp from last year, with four 1-week sessions in Seattle and Bellevue.Registration is open now. Sign up your 8-10 or 11-15 year old for one or more sessions, and see what will unfold in these playful mathematical explorations of shape and structure.
Learn more here.

Problem of the Moment

A Fault-Free Rectangle is a rectangle made of dominoes that contains no horizontal or vertical “faults,” that is, lines that would allow you to pull the rectangle apart into two rectangles.

A student recently constructed the fault free rectangle on the right. Is this the smallest fault-free rectangle possible (not counting the single domino)? If so, what is the next largest fault-free rectangle you can build?

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