I had the opportunity to speak at the University of Washington Monthly Math Hour on April 17. Following my talk a six and a half year old named Rebekah gave [...]
A friend just sent me a video of Tony Orrico, whose Penwald series seems to be gaining some steam in certain art/dance circles. Here’s a [...]
Here’s a very clever April Fool’s video on imaginary numbers (and an imaginary teacher), sent to me by a friend. Enjoy!
Our first 1 minute math video. Pass it along if you know anyone who’d like it. Should we make more? Any topics you’d like to see?
I recently gave a lunchtime talk at a MathCounts competition, aimed at 6-9th graders, and I propped up my camera to take a low tech recording of the thing. [...]
Speaking of great displays of data, check this out: the last 200 years of history of the wealth and health of the 200 countries of the world When it comes to [...]