“I just want to say THANK YOU. My daughter was against going to a math class with every cell of her being – and when she exited her first Math for Love class she exclaimed, “That was so fun!” and then, “Can you sign me up for another one?” Not only that, but a couple of times throughout the day she lamented the fact that she would have to wait another week to go again. … So, thank you for your passion, your inspiration and whatever else you did to make a reticent mathematician emerge!”
We are excited to facilitate small problem solving groups
Join The Group
Math for Love is excited to facilitate small problem solving groups for high school and middle school students on weekday afternoons at the University of Washington. These groups meet weekly and dive into deep mathematical questions. With the right prompting, the students themselves will be empowered to pose their own questions and pursue their own solutions, giving them an opportunity to truly take ownership over their mathematical learning.

Starting a Group
To start a group, we need 3 or more students ready to commit to meeting weekly for a couple of months. The students don’t need to be exactly the same grade level, but they should be reasonably close. Ask your child to think about some peers from school who might like to join them, or ask your child’s math teacher to make some suggestions. With a few students in mind, fill out this form to sign up.
Joining an Existing Group
These groups will be capped at 6 students; groups with open space will be listed here:
We currently don’t have any open spaces in any groups. Ask around your peer group to get the ball rolling on a new group!
Finding Peers
We highly encourage you to reach out to your own peer group to get a group started; these groups function best if there’s some existing rapport to build on.
But you’re also welcome to fill out this form without an interested peer group in mind. I’ll do what I can to connect people to get these groups off the ground.

About the Facilitator
These groups will be facilitated by Paul Gafni, who has worked with Math for Love since 2012 and the UW’s Robinson Center for Young Scholars since 2015.
Read Paul’s bio or check out his website to find out more about him.
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