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For a game that is a relatively pure experience of math equations, I think you’ll be surprised how much fun it can be for players of all ages.
As a roomful of math teachers, we loved the mental math aspect of this game.
This game is so rich in mathematical ideas that I literally spent a week investigating it with my class.
The mental gymnastics can get pretty dazzling… Exciting, energizing fun!
A great way to develop mathematical processing in a meaningful way.
This is an amazing game! It is genius actually. You can play this with both young and old and adapt it to anyone’s ability. Players must not only use their math skills but their strategy skills as well. I believe this game should be in every classroom in America as well as every home!!
Take a look at Prime Climb, an excellent new game… perfect for adults and children alike.
Honestly, this has got to be one of the most engaging and effective ways of introducing the idea of primes being the ‘building blocks’ of numbers and building other general logic skills… Overall, Prime Climb is an incredibly flexible game, and certainly met the high expectations it set itself.
If you were looking for a Candy Land-esque repetition you are in for a surprise!… a fantastic family game!
Amazing… one of those games that can be altered for any level of mathematics.
Prime Climb is an excellent way to teach about prime numbers, factors, common multiples, and that math is fun!… I loved how Prime Climb engaged my math loving kids and my kids who tolerate math. It was engaging and challenging enough that no one was bored, but easy enough to understand that no one was frustrated. It was the perfect balance. (It was fun for the adults as well.)
This board game will make you a math genius, and it is actually way fun!
A terrific new math game!
By far one of my favorite game releases of 2014…. I cannot get over beauty and functionality of this game!
Instantly built a devoted audience of children and adults who fell in love with the game’s beautiful, colorful display, and connection with deep mathematical understanding.
If you are looking for a fun and educational game… this one is an absolute no brainer.
A surprisingly fun math game!
This game blew my mind! It blew my wife’s mind, it blew my kid’s mind… it is one of the coolest visualizations of mathematics and prime numbers I’ve ever seen ever. It is awesome!
A fun and simple way to bring multiplication, division, and prime numbers all in one easy to play game. Awesome!
A total success.
Instantly built a devoted audience of children and adults who fell in love with the game’s beautiful, colorful display, and connection with deep mathematical understanding.
Rated #1 Educational Math Game!