When I was in high school, I went through an experimental phase of essay writing. The standard essay form was too dry, too monotonous to express everything [...]
Speaking of great displays of data, check this out: the last 200 years of history of the wealth and health of the 200 countries of the world When it comes to [...]
The plant to the left is not a plant. Rather, it is what’s called an L system: simple iterated recipes for drawing line segments that produces surprisingly [...]
I’ve been so swamped with students (and the logistics that accompany them) that I haven’t had much time to post lately; too bad, because my mind has been [...]
Link: Feel the numbers Sometimes big numbers are hard to understand. Artist Chris Jordan has developed one of the coolest art displays ever to help comprehend [...]
Link: My Advisor and His Wife They always seemed like a great couple to me, and I can’t resist referring to this article on the two of them. The artist and [...]