The title of this blog post is the last line to a beautiful, short film called GÖMBÖC. For a film where almost nothing happens, it’s compelling watching. [...]
When I was in high school, I went through an experimental phase of essay writing. The standard essay form was too dry, too monotonous to express everything [...]
I’d like to plug one of my favorite math blogs: Let’s Play Math! Why do I like it so much? It captures the spirit of play and beauty of math excellently. [...]
You can use math to blow people’s mind so easily and so casually that it almost feels unfair. I had the pleasure of doing so tonight at a volunteer [...]
I have begun teaching two, not one, but two sections of differential equations this quarter, and immediately, the classes are different from each other. In [...]
Link: Beauty Through Mathematics Here’s another group out to show the world a vision of beauty through mathematics: Imaginary. Computers have made wonderful [...]