The website is live!!

September 15, 2010

I’m very excited to announce the official, public beginning of Math for Love. In addition to blogging (and I have a backlog right now, due to my vacation, and the work of getting the website ready), is now a website that offers math circles, a math salon, tutoring, and other math support to the Seattle community.

I’ve imported much of the old tumblr blog, and it’s below. However, videos didn’t make the transition so well. Neither did the comments. If you’d like to review the blog before this date, I suggest you go to It will all be there.

From now on, my blogging will happen right here. It will be great to be on wordpress! In particular, it will now be easy to list a blogroll. There are so many excellent math, education, math-education, and other writing online.

Here we go!

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