Topics: Arithmetic, algebra
Material: Pencil and Paper
Grades: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Common Core: 4.OA.1, 4.OA.2, 4.OA.3, 4.OA.5, 5.OA.3, 6.EE.2, 6.EE.3, 6.EE.4, 7.EE.
3, 8.NS.1, A-CED.1, A-CED.2, MP1, MP2, MP3, MP5, MP6, MP7, MP8
This trick is an extraordinary introduction to the power of algebraic thinking, and a reminder of what makes algebra so awe-inspiring
This trick is an extraordinary introduction to the power of algebraic thinking, and a reminder of what makes algebra so awe-inspiring.
A video Launch for this lesson is available in two parts. PDF of the lesson is below the videos.