Who We Help

School Leaders

Dan Finkel’s TED Talk outlines a portrait for transformation in school math

The Math For Love offers supplemental/summer curriculum to enrich mathematical learning using a rigorous, play-based approached for K through 5th grades, and high school. Using games, openers, and rich tasks, students improve their number sense, conceptual understanding, and fluency in mathematics (see study). The program comes with online training.

Math for Love Curriculum

Seattle students who used our curriculum two summers in a row scored proficient on the state test at doubled the rate of their peers. Email us to learn how Math for Love curriculum can power your school or district summer program, or supplement normal math classes.

Math for Love games are becoming a staple in math classes everywhere.

For bulk education discounts, contact orders@mathforlove.com

Tiny Polka Dot

Tiny Polka Dot (pre-K – 2nd grade)

Tiny Polka Dot is the playful way for children ages 3 – 8 and up to fall in love with numbers. With eye-catching, colorful cards and 16 easy-to-learn games, Tiny Polka Dot is built to grow with your child, teaching critical skills in counting, arithmetic, and logic along the way.

Check this game at amazon

Prime Climb

Prime Climb (3rd Grade and up)

Prime Climb is a perfect game for ages 10+ (or 8+ with adult guidance) to explore mathematical structure in multiplication, division, and prime numbers in a fast-paced, dynamic game of strategy and luck. Great for home or school!

Check this game at amazon

Math for Love offers free online PD videos to help teachers grow.

Perfect for professional learning teams or individual PD


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