If you’re a K – 8 teacher for Seattle Public Schools or you teach in the Seattle area, one of our favorite PD opportunities – Math Teacher Circles – will be starting up in January of 2025. Sign up on the form below [...]
A brilliant math idea my wife had for our 5-year-old this Halloween: make a map! She drew a quick sketch of the neighborhood, and he tried to plan a trip that would visit both [...]
As opposed to “Just Try It” classrooms. Dan Meyer is fun to read. He’s especially fun to read lately, when he’s turned a skeptical eye on AI and pilloried the techno-optimism of the newest batch of would-be tech-educational [...]
Zeno (zenomath.org) is an organization we’ve admired and collaborated with for a long time. They’re based in Seattle, like us. We’ve been to their math festivals, [...]
Extras The first videos above were motivated in part by a piece I wrote about starting from understanding, and how that can help guide math conversations at home. You can read that here. I also have a video in our Family Math Night [...]
The Importance of Stupidity in Scientific Research – published in 2008 in the Journal of Cell Science – is one of those wonderful essays that turns your understanding of “being smart” on its head. There are enough [...]
I started seeing energy, joy, and light in the children when we moved into math time. On days we had to skip math for field trips or special assemblies, the class would gasp and ask why we have to miss it.
As soon as the process of producing 21st Century Pattern Blocks had begun, I thought of Hana Murray. I’d been enjoying her pattern block masterpieces for some time, and I [...]
Some delightful news from the world of pure mathematics yesterday: a team of four mathematician (Smith, Myers, Kaplan, Goodman-Strauss) released a preprint on the Arxiv with a [...]
[Want to get right to it? This Dropbox folder has all the activities and PDFs linked below.] Teachers, administrators, and students all spend the bulk of their time in schools, [...]
Essay Submission for Rosenthal Prize, 2022 The Billiard Ball Problem When I first began teaching I felt an urgency to involve my students in mathematical problem solving. I tried [...]
I got a fun note from a friend yesterday, who has been playing with 21st Century Pattern Blocks with his 3.5 year old daughter. He had an idea for 21st Century Pattern Block play [...]
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