Winter was coming, and the Ant started to prepare. Every day for a week, it saved 3 tiny seeds.
At the end of the week, the Ant passed the Grasshopper. “Silly ant!” said the Grasshopper.
“You work all day, when you could be having fun!” And the Grasshopper laughed and pointed at the ant.
In the second week, the Ant worked even harder. It saved 4 tiny seeds every day.
But when the Ant passed the Grasshopper at the end of the week, the Grasshopper laughed and pointed, saying, “Silly Ant!”
In the third week, the Ant worked even harder. It save 6 tiny seeds every day.
But when the Ant passed the Grasshopper at the end of the week, the Grasshopper laughed and pointed, saying, “Silly Ant!”
Then winter came. The Grasshopper had nothing to eat. It went to the Ant’s hill, and
asked if the Ant had any extra seeds for it to eat. And do you know what the Ant said?
“Silly Grasshopper!”