A huge range of free materials and resources to support kids ages 6 months through elementary school. Great ideas, games, and readers for parents, families, teachers, tutors, festivals, and more!
Mathigon collaborated with us to create a virtual version of Multiplication by Heart used by millions. Also featuring our Prime Factor Circles on Polypad - their free, indispensable manipulative environment.
A treasure trove of unique, highly relevant, beautifully designed math lessons and ideas.
Incredibly flexible, editable openers and other math visuals
Steve creates and shares some of the best openers, from Esti-mysteries to Splats to Cube Conversations. All for free.
Great examples and ideas for mathematical conversation at home.
A play and math infused website overflowing with great ideas, quote, games, and resources for the younger set.
The way to find the best math games to play at home. Sign up for this newsletter!
Materials and videos from one of the best math teachers around. Especially recommended for middle & high school teachers looking for inspiration.
Learn right. Not rote. These excellent explanations of math concepts have helped a lot of people get right with the subject.
Ideas for playing with math no matter where you are.
The best video explanations of math concepts I've ever seen. Perfect for teaching yourself calculus or exploring beautiful ideas in math.
The Global Math Project tries to share a beautiful math idea every October 10. Get in and explode some dots!
The Julia Robinson Math Festival website gives you great problems, and resources if you want to throw your own festival!
A simple way to deepen math understanding in the classroom, with tons of resources.
A great place for number sense activities for K-2
An actually-fun fluency game with a surprisingly broad range of practice options, from addition to multiplication to fractions and beyond.
A K-8 curriculum after my own heart! This crew is piloting in the US now after great success in Spain. Check them out for some fabulous lesson samples, or to learn more about about adopting them in your school or district.
Get tons of free content, like our Games to Play at Home packet, puzzles, lessons, and more!