What People Say

What Teachers Say

These are comments from anonymous feedback we collected from elementary school teachers after professional development workshops.

“Working with you has been the best,most useful, and enjoyable professional development I have done in 21 years of teaching.  I can’t thank you enough.”

“This was by far the best professional development experience I have had.”

“Your enthusiastic, creative approach is a breath of fresh air!”

“Best workshop in years—can actually use it, not a paid waste of time”

“I loved the insight and approach”

“I love making the math more interesting and also more driven by the questions/ideas of the students!”

“It’s an excellent program. The inquisitive insights and questioning strategies are excellent. The teachers’ expertise is also exemplary.”

“I loved working with you all. Can’t wait to have you in the class next year :)”

“I think this is the best PD I will ever have! You have helped me re-define how I view math and you have given me things/games I actually used! :)”

“Excellent! So impressed by your content knowledge & desire to help students & teachers develop a love for math.”

“My students and I really liked these activities, and they give All my kids a chance to be successful, which is the best thing!”

“I have never been a “lover of math,” but your workshops always made me feel like one and, in turn, made me more motivated to find ways to make my students feel the same way.”

“All of the (Dan & Katherine) activities I taught were fun and engaging, for me and my kids!”

“help[ed] me to be a better teacher… I left loving math more… We have been applying these tips in the 3rd grade and it has been great!”

“[This workshop] has completely changed the way I teach! I now start with questions in every subject.”

“This is amazing!!! So often, I feel like I go to PD and think “that’s great but how do I use this in my classroom?” and you two make these methods so easy to use. I literally took my notes from yesterday and got right to the game! Thanks so much.”

“Exploring math can be as interesting and entertaining as writing poetry or studying music. What an inspiring new way to look at math.”

“Wonderful! You have changed the way I teach. This experience has made me a better teacher. Thank you so much!”

“Multiplication by Heart is the best thing I have found in 40 years of teaching math for getting kids to learn their times tables. It is brilliantly designed.”

What Parents Say

The following are unsolicited comments from parents whose children we’ve worked with.

“My daughter absolutely adores your classes and talks about them constantly. Her attitude concerning her own mathematical abilities has turned around. She’s now comfortable and confident.”

“What you’re doing REALLY is working. And your name is so aptly chosen–you are absolutely boosting my kids’ love of math.”

“I wanted you to know that my son called Math Circle the highlight of his week *every* week… He wishes you could be his regular math teacher, because then math would be his favorite subject, hands down. Almost overnight, he went from “I hate math” to “I’m a math nerd!” Thanks so much for a wonderful experience. Priceless!”

“You both have a wonderful energy for working with kids. I have seen lots of math workshops and I’ve never seen so much fun.”

“Our intention was to take a kid who is strong in math, but with a deep arts focus, and give her the chance to see math as creative. She was originally resigned to her parents signing her up for this, then overwhelmed by the first day, and now says it’s the fastest hour of her week. It’s so great to see her engaged in math, grappling with it, apart from school, [where the program] is learn it and do it and move on.”

“It’s far and away my daughter’s favorite thing.”

“I’ve always known that my son adores math and science, but I have never seen him rave about a class. It’s about time!”

“[My son] tells me over and over that he loves the way you talk about/teach math and he has decided that if he doesn’t make it to the NFL to play football, he wants to be a math teacher like you! :)”

What Students Say

These comments are from anonymous student feedback collected after our classes or circles.

“This class was my favorite math class I’ve ever been in. It has been both intellectually stimulating and interesting. The pacing of the class was perfect. The explanations were perfect.”

“Dan is by far the best math teacher I have had.”

“Katherine was very helpful in explaining how to approach problems and solve them. … Best math teacher I’ve ever had! Hope I can have her or someone like her for other math courses.”

“You are the best math teacher I have had.”

“I truly love your classes and I am learning so much!”

“This class was a perfect a math class as possible.”

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